6. Incorporate Components into Parent Page


When the ByAllAccounts Connect Suite components are incorporated into a parent page, the Account Summary is visible and acts as the primary controlling entity for the Suite. The parent page must monitor for the accountSetup event issued by the Account Summary component and relay that to the Account Linking component to tell it which workflow to start when it exposes the component. That's the only information the parent page needs to relay between the two components, but the parent page must also listen for and manage critical events issued from both components. Additionally, the required attribute (auth-context) must be set for each component to manage authorization. Optionally, other attributes may be set for customizations.
This section includes:

  • Descriptions of all attributes for the components
  • Code for instantiating the components in your parent page
  • Code samples for each component, showing all applicable attributes.


The following table describes the attributes for the Account Linking and the Account Summary components. The only required attribute for the components is auth-context.

Any of these attributes can be set (and reset) at any time but translate-file-path, override-css-file, and ui-config-file (for Account Linking) typically do not change during the lifetime of a parent page. An example of when auth-context might be reset during the lifetime of a parent page would be handling of an authorization expiring.

AttributeRequired?Parameters and Description
auth-contextYesPossible Parameters
Must contain one of:
{ jsessionId: <jsessionIdValue>, csrfToken: <csrfTokenValue> }__

The auth-context attribute is used for user authentication. It is required and may be reset any number of times during the lifetime of the parent page. For example, it would need to be reset after a timeout.

It must contain the parameter pair jsessionId/csrfToken or an empty object.

When the user is authenticated via SSO, the jsessionId and csrfToken pair must be included, using the form:
{ jsessionId: <jsessionIdValue>, csrfToken: <csrfTokenValue>}

To prevent further use of the component by the user, use the empty value to clear the authentication data from the component:
RouteNoOnly applies to Account Linking.

Possible Parameters
The event detail strings that come from the Account Summary accountSetup event described in 7. Manage Critical Events.

When any one of certain user actions is performed in the Account Summary component, a specific response is expected in a particular workflow of the Account Linking component. To effect the response, the parent page must be listening for the accountSetup event from the Account Summary component and pass its event detail string as the parameter on the route attribute. The parameter specifies the workflow to initiate in Account Linking. When a workflow completes, the Account Linking component tells the parent page that it is done.

The route attribute must be set after the auth-context attribute because user authentication must be set before the component can attempt the operation. If the auth-context is not set before the route attribute, a badAuthentication event will occur.
translate-file-pathNoPossible Parameters
The path to the custom en.json file.

The translate-file-path attribute identifies the URL that is the path to the en.json files that you can create to provide custom terminology for certain text and labels. The path is relative to the base href of the deployed application.

Note: Each component has its own en.json file with different terminology.
ui-config-fileNoOnly applies to Account Linking.

Possible Parameters
Path and file name to your custom user interface (UI) configuration file.

The ui-config-file attribute identifies the URL that is the path to and the name of the file that contains options for turning on/off UI sections in the Account Linking component. The path is relative to the base href of the deployed application.
override-css-fileNoPossible Parameters
The path and file name for your custom cascading style sheet (CSS) file.

The override-css-file attribute identifies the URL that is the path to and file name of a custom CSS file containing overrides to the default Morningstar Design System (MDS) styles. Note: Each component has its own CSS file.
custom-fontsNoPossible Parameters
The path and name for your font definitions.

The custom-fonts attribute identifies the URL that is the path to and file name of your custom font definition file that will override to the default Morningstar Design System (MDS) fonts. Note: Each component has its own fonts file.
iframe-styleNoPossible Parameters
Standard CSS inline style values. For example, iframe-style=”height:50vh; border:dashed;”

The iframe-style attribute applies CSS inline styles to the iframe of the component. Clearing this attribute after it has been set reverts the iframe style of the component back to its original state.


Instantiating ByAllAccounts Connect Suite into your parent page

In a typical usage scenario of the ByAllAccounts Connect Suite, the Account Summary component is displayed first and occupies a section on the parent page.

When the user performs an action in the Account Summary component, the Account Linking component is launched in a modal dialog where the user steps through the wizard flow to perform the associated operation.

When the user completes the operation in the Account Linking component, the user exits that component, the dialog is dismissed, and control is returned back to the Account Summary component.

These interactions between the Account Summary and Account Linking components can repeat multiple times during a user session, and at each time the Account Linking component needs to be launched in the dialog and then dismissed.

This launching of the Account Linking component can potentially be an expensive and lengthy operation as it involves network activity to load the component’s JS bundles and to establish the session. To make this behavior as performant and smooth as possible, and to provide a good user experience to the user, it is recommended that both the Account Summary and the Account Linking components be preloaded and instantiated at the start of the parent application session, when the user logs in. The preloaded Account Linking component should then be placed in the modal dialog, ready to be used but kept hidden until it is needed.

The following code sample shows how to instantiate the components as recommended, including setting the auth-context attribute for each component for authentication purposes.
Note: Your parent page must additionally listen for and manage the critical events which are described in 7. Manage Critical Events.

The following code example shows how to instantiate the component. You can also refer to this recipe which describes the code for instantiating the components.

<!-- Load the main JavaScript bundle file of the Account Summary component -->
<script src="./mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsummary.js"></script>
<!—Instantiate Account Summary (summaryCE) component -->
  summaryCE = document.createElement(“mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsummary”);
  summaryCE.setAttribute(“auth-context”, JSON.stringify(
  { jsessionId: “<jsession id>”,
    csrfToken: “<csrf token>”
// Add an event listener that listens to accountSetup events fired by the Account Summary (summaryCE) component, and when fired, display the Account Linking (setupCE) component
  summaryCE.addEventListener('accountSetup', (e) => {
  // Set the route attribute of the Account Linking (setupCE) component using the value passed in the event
  setupCE.settAttribute(‘route’, e.detail);
  // Show the Account Linking (setupCE) modal dialog
<!—Preload the main JavaScript bundle file of the Account Linking (setupCE) component -->
<script src="./mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup.js"></script>
<!—Instantiate Account Linking (setupCE) component and keep it hidden-->
  setupCE = document.createElement(“mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup”);
  setupCE.setAttribute(“auth-context”, JSON.stringify(
  { jsessionId: “<jsession id>”,
    csrfToken: “<csrf token>”
  // Add an event listener that listens to userExit events fired by the Account Linking (setupCE) component, and when fired, hide the modal dialog
  setupCE.addEventListener(‘userExit’, (e) => {
    // Hide the Account Linking (setupCE) modal dialog
  // Add the Account Linking (setupCE) component to the dialog element and keep it hidden
  content = document.getElementById(‘dialog’);

Example launching Account Summary

This section shows a code example for launching Account Summary with all applicable attributes. This sample integration code:

  • Loads the Account Summary component.
  • Instantiates the component in the page.
  • Sets all common attributes including the required auth-context attribute to provide authentication.
  • Makes Account Summary visible in the page.

Attributes are available to:

  • Customize the user interface: translate-file-path, override-css-file, custom-fonts
    These attributes typically do not change during the lifetime of the parent page. We recommend setting these attributes first.
  • Provide authentication: auth-context
    Authentication can change during the life of the parent page. When authentication expires or a new user is authenticated, you need to reset the auth-context attribute.

See Attributes for detailed information about attributes.

In the following sample code for launching Account Summary with all applicable attributes, replace hostname with your host name for those files. You can also refer to the recipe for launching Account Summary.

<!-- Load the main JavaScript bundle file of the Account Summary component -->
<script src=“./mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsummary.js”></script>

  mstarWebComp = document.createElement(“mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsummary”); 
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“ui-config-file”,  “https://hostname/customassets/config/ui-config.json”);        
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“translate-file-path”,  “https://hostname/customassets/i18n/”);        
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“override-css-file”,  “https://hostname/customassets/css/corporatestyle.css”);        
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“custom-fonts”,  “https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lobster”);        
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“auth-context”, JSON.stringify(          { jsessionId: “212764322EB9DBEBED880425DE3216EB.s1a”,            csrfToken: “DBC63BDE361C192B3CEF641B4C551DD8AC27B4A0276E91”          }));                 

Example Launching Account Linking

This section shows a code example for launching Account Linking with all applicable required attributes. This sample integration code:

  • Loads the Account Linking component.
  • Listens and instantiates the component in the page.
  • Sets all common attributes including the required auth-context attribute to provide authentication.
  • Makes Account Linking visible in the page.

Attributes are available to:

  • Customize the user interface: ui-config-file, translate-file-path, override-css-file, custom-fonts
    These attributes typically do not change during the lifetime of the parent page. We recommend setting these attributes first.
  • Provide authentication: auth-context
    Authentication can change during the life of the parent page when authentication expires or a new user is authenticated. If you reset the auth-context attribute, you must then reset the route attribute.

See Attributes for detailed information about attributes.

In this sample code for launching Account Linking with all applicable required attributes, replace hostname with your host name for those files. You can also refer to the Recipe for launching Account Linking.

<!-- Load the main JavaScript bundle file of the Account Linking component -->

<script src=“./mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup.js”></script>

// This event listener listens to accountSetup events fired by the Account Summary component, and when fired it launches the Account Linking component
summaryCE.addEventListener('accountSetup', (e) => {
  mstarWebComp = document.createElement(“mstar-aggregation-consumer-accountsetup”); 
// Set attributes 
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“ui-config-file”,  “https://hostname/customassets/config/ui-config.json”);        
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“translate-file-path”,  “https://hostname/customassets/i18n/”);        
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“override-css-file”,  “https://hostname/customassets/css/corporatestyle.css”);        
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“custom-fonts”,  “https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lobster”);  
// Pass in the auth context of the logged in user to the mstar component     
  mstarWebComp.setAttribute(“auth-context”, JSON.stringify(     
      { jsessionId: “212764322EB9DBEBED880425DE3216EB.s1a”,      
        csrfToken: “DBC63BDE361C192B3CEF641B4C551DD8AC27B4A0276E91” 