Altruist - SFTP Access

FI ID: 113730

Advisor Onboarding Instructions

Step 1: Log onto Altruist’s website and go to Integrations under Settings.

Step 2: Connect “Morningstar ByAllAccounts” as an integration to have data added to the feed.

Digital form instructions
  • Log into Altruist’s website, navigate to Settings and then Integrations.
  • Select connect next to "Morningstar ByAllAccounts".
  • If applicable, please list your technology platform provider in the 3rd party platform provider. This helps Altruist and ByAllAccounts keep track of the technology platforms receiving data on behalf of advisors.

Step 3: Email [email protected] to request feed setup.

Required information
Email Subject "Altruist - SFTP Access - Feed Setup Request - Advisory Firm (Technology Platform Provider)"
Requesting Advisor The first and last name of the advisor requesting the feed setup.
Requesting Advisor Email Address The email address of the advisor requesting the setup.
Advisory Firm The firm the requesting advisor is associated with.
Technology Platform Provider The platform receiving data via ByAllAccounts on behalf of the advisor. This could be a portfolio management platform, financial planning software, CRM, etc. It might also be referenced as third party partner or redistributor.
Altruist Rep Code(s) A unique identifier that allows ByAllAccounts identify which accounts should be associated with a given user.
ByAllAccounts User Email Address The email address for the BAA user who will use the feed credentials to aggregate accounts after setup. This email will receive the feed password in step 4.

Step 4: ByAllAccounts will complete the final configurations and share the feed password.

Feed password delivery details
ByAllAccounts Password Email Subject ByAllAccounts/Altruist - SFTP Access [ByAllAccounts SalesForce Case Number]
ByAllAccounts Password Email Sender [email protected]
ByAllAccounts SalesForce Case Number This is the reference number you will have received to track your request after completing step 3.

Step 5: Enter feed credentials in AccountView and aggregate accounts.

Feed credential details
  • Username: Altruist Rep Code
  • Password: Shared by ByAllAccounts via email in step 4
  • If you have more than one rep code, you need to create multiple credentials. These will share the same password unless noted otherwise.


For detailed instructions on how to link accounts once you have your feed credentials, please refer to the following training video: Linking Accounts and Credentials