Investor FAQ

How does ByAllAccounts access the aggregated data?

ByAllAccounts supports user-permissioned account aggregation from over 15,000 financial data sources.

What account types are supported?

We support a wide array of account types including, but not limited to, 401(k)s, 529 plans, IRAs, brokerage accounts, cash and equivalents, checking, savings, credit card and liability accounts, sweep accounts and fixed/variable annuities.

What type of data is aggregated?

ByAllAccounts aggregates data related to Financial Accounts, Positions, Transactions (trade or settlement), Prices, Securities, and Tax Lots.

How does ByAllAccounts ensure the data is accurate?

ByAllAccounts ensures high-quality data by performing checks at each step of the data acquisition, enrichment and delivery process to ensure the accuracy and completeness of your aggregated data, so that you and your advisor can have the most comprehensive and actionable view of your finances.

How often is data aggregated?

When a user links their account(s), data will be aggregated immediately, including the current account positions and historical transactions as far back as the first calendar day of the prior year. Moving forward, aggregation occurs automatically on a nightly basis, and captures newly posted transactional data and prior day close position values. Subsequent aggregation may also be performed on demand, if needed to support specific aggregation use cases.

What happens if I need access to a financial institution that is not currently supported?

ByAllAccounts allows users to submit requests within the account linking process to establish a connection with a new financial institution.

What do I do if there is an inaccuracy with the data I’m receiving?

Data inaccuracies should be reported through the available support channels, so that a ticket can be logged for ByAllAccounts to investigate and provide a resolution.

What if I’m unable to connect to a financial institution?

First, we recommend checking that you have selected the correct financial institution and submitted the correct credential information for the accounts. If you’re still unable to connect and the error message doesn’t provide an adequate resolution or recommended action, the issue should be reported through the available support
channels, so that a ticket can be logged for ByAllAccounts to investigate and provide a resolution.

What do I do if my accounts stop aggregating?

We recommend that you review the error message, and if the error message doesn’t provide an adequate resolution or recommended action, the issue should be reported through the available support channels, so that a ticket can be logged for ByAllAccounts to investigate and provide a resolution.

What happens if my financial institution password changes?

Depending on the method of aggregation, your financial institution password may be used by ByAllAccounts to connect to the financial institution. If it is, and your password changes, the account(s) will likely fail to aggregate until you update your financial institution password in the ByAllAccounts application. ByAllAccounts will trigger an error message with this recommended action.

How do I know that my information is secure?

ByAllAccounts prioritizes the security of your data. All sensitive data is encrypted when transmitted or stored, even during communication between the service’s components. For more information:

How long does ByAllAccounts retain aggregated data?

Data retention policy is determined on a per-customer basis. ByAllAccounts is a data intermediary, collecting information from the primary source (e.g., the financial institution where the account is held) and delivering it to our customers. Typical retention is one calendar quarter but can be configured by customer. Please enquire with your service provider for their specific data retention policies.

What happens if I delete my account or financial institution connection?

Deletion of your financial accounts or credentials will result in the immediate purging of any data stored within the ByAllAccounts platform.