Introduction to Migrating to AccountView CI SaaS

Introducing Custodial Integrator Software as a Service (CI SaaS) - a cloud-based replacement to ByAllAccounts’ Custodial Integrator (CI). CI SaaS will replace the Universal variant of Custodial Integrator Desktop (CI Desktop), bringing all existing features into AccountView without the need for local installations.

With CI SaaS in AccountView, you’ll have the same CI export capabilities as before, now accessible from the new AccountView Downloads tab - with no software installation required. During migration, you’ll be required to transfer your existing configurations and translations to CI SaaS by downloading them from CI Desktop and importing them into AccountView CI SaaS. After that, you can use AccountView CI SaaS to continue to generate your export files.


Key Benefits of CI SaaS

The transition to CI SaaS brings key benefits, including:

  • Eliminating the hassle of maintaining desktop software
  • Enhancing performance and scalability for your organization

Video Overview of CI SaaS Features

Overview of CI SaaS

Which Customers Need to Migrate

This migration is for customers that currently use our Custodial Integrator Universal desktop application and want to continue to extract financial data and export it in files formatted in our Universal (generic) format. To do so, you will need CI SaaS.

Custodial Integrator Desktop for Universal is being retired and to continue to extract and export the files, customers will need to migrate to Custodial Integrator Software as a Service (CI SaaS), an enhanced export capability within AccountView (AV).

We have included a Timeline for migrations.

Who Performs the Migration

The migration should be performed by a Data Administrator who is responsible for running Custodial Integrator and extracting files in our Universal (generic) format.


Best Practices

Review all of the instructions before you begin the migration process from Custodial Integrator Desktop to Custodial Integrator SaaS in AccountView.

What You Will Find Here

This content provides current CI Desktop users with the information required to migrate their data delivery operations from CI Desktop to Custodial Integrator SaaS (CI SaaS) Universal. Following instructions accurately will minimize the risk of disrupting daily reconciliation.

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